Goal Setting
Step One: Create Your Vision
A vision is a view of your future. This is your road map, your guide, your north star. The purpose of setting your vision is to create a clear picture of your ideal life so your goals can align. Your vision should include the things that you want in life including marital status, geographical location, family information, career, etc. When you read your vision, it should get you excited and motivated.
Things to include in your vision:
Is set 10 years in the future
Is clear and concise with enough detail to feel complete. A paragraph or two should suffice
Incorporates all major domains of your life. health, personal, career, spirituality, mental health
Moves you emotionally and gets you excited - maybe even a little nervous
Uses present tense language. Write it as if you are already there
Is authentic to you and lines up with your core values
Step Two: Create Your Goals
1. Get rid of limits
It is important to set your goals as if there are no limits. We naturally think within limits, it is what makes out brain feel safe. Make sure you set aside meditation or calming time to push yourself past these.
Let your past be in the past. We tend to look at the past in order to create our future, yet a goal set from the past will likely create more of what already exists
Remove perceived constraints. Ex: “I don't have enough money” or “I don't have the time”
Remove fear and doubt from your goals.
2. Audacity
Set goals that are a challenge for you. Set your goals to be BHAGs: Big Hairy Audacious Goals.
Goals should not be easy to achieve, you should fail 50% of the time
It is not likely to happen unless you put forth effort
It should make you feel joy just thinking about it coming true
3. Format
Formatting your goals in the correct way gives you the greatest likelihood of achieving them.
Start with your 10 year goals first, then move backwards to 5 year, 1 year
Quantifiable: You must be able to measure your goal.
Affirmative language: State what you want, not what you don't want.
Concise: Use as few words as possible; no justification is required.
By-when date: State when the goal will be achieved.
Step Three: Follow Through
Once your goals are set, you want to start figuring out how you are going to achieve them. Create a plan of how you will integrate them into your life.
Post your goals somewhere where you can see them often. It will help hold you accountable.
Enroll others so they know what you stand for. Sharing your goals with others who are also committed goal setters allows them to support and assist you
Choose the things that move you closer towards achieving your vision & goals, rather than those things that are in conflict with them.