
Consultation meetings are 50 minutes and range from $150-$325. Reduced rate spots available with some therapists.

Rates are listed on the therapists individual pages. Sessions are the same rate in all scenarios, feel free to invite as many people to the call as would be beneficial.

We offer three types of consultation

  • Peer Consultation

  • Therapeutic Consultation

  • EMDR certification

Peer Consultation (For Professionals)

Consultation can be a great resource if you are a clinician looking to expand your knowledge and refine your skills. We work with a lot of clinicians who want to learn more about niche diagnoses and behaviors like dissociation, personality disorders, substance abuse, suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation, etc. Clients struggling with these behaviors and issues need more clinicians who feel confident and capable to support them. We hear from these clients that previous therapists have seemed scared of them or referred them out immediately. We get it. The liability concerns of these behaviors are intimidating. We have done the hard work of meeting with lawyers, pouring over ethics, and making mistakes. Let us teach you all we have learned through consultation.

Common mental health consultation includes…

  • Exploring if your client has a personality disorder

  • Knowing if it is safe to work with your client who suicidal/homicidal ideation

  • Understanding if your substance using client needs detox and/or treatment

Therapeutic Consultation (Families and Individuals)

We created consultation for families and individuals to support the overwhelming world of mental health treatment. We get overwhelmed sometimes and we know the jargon and slang to look for. It doesn’t help that google search results are about paid advertisements rather than real answers. If you are lucky, you will have a friend or family member who works in the mental health field. If you don’t, you probably need consultation to help break down diagnoses, steps, and feedback. There is a large difference between consultation and therapy. Therapy is about asking questions, helping you process your feelings, processings patterns, etc. Consultation is about you asking the consultant questions, getting logistical answers, walking away with data and steps.

Common family and individual consultation includes…

  • Can I safely withdraw off substances on my own? What should I expect?

  • What detox center should I take my son to? How do I get him to treatment after?

  • Should I force my anorexic daughter to eat?

  • When should I send my child back to school after their loved one passed away?

  • How do I discipline an oppositional child, nothing is working?!

  • Am I a bad parent if I sent my child to treatment against their will?

  • How do I let my boss know I will be gone for a month without saying its for treatment?

Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)

Jennifer Shotwell offers consultations for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). Clinicians are welcome to use these resources to gain their EDMR certification or just looking to broaden their skills and knowledge. Jennifer holds full Consultant status through EMDRIA.

To gain EMDR certification you’ll need the following…

  • Proof of EMDR training completion

  • Provide proof of independent (full) licensure

  • Notarized document stating you have 1) had two years of experience in EMDR and 2) conducted at least 50 EMDR sessions with at least 25 clients

  • 20 consultation hours

  • Letter of recommendation by an EMDR consultation

  • Two letters of recommendation regarding your professional utilization of EMDR, ethics in practice, and professional character

  • 12 hours of EMDR continuing education

  • EMDR International Association Policies Agreement